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Year 7 2025 Transition Information

Welcome to our Transition Hub. This page contains all the information you need as your child prepares to join CLC next year. Keep up to date with key dates, essential resources and important updates to ensure a smooth and successful transition for both you and your child.

Stephanie Evans

Welcome to Catholic Ladies' College.

Welcome to Catholic Ladies’ College! As Principal, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all parents and students joining us for Year 7 in 2025.

The transition from primary school to secondary school marks an exciting new chapter filled with growth, learning, and new opportunities. We also understand that it can be a daunting experience for your child. Our dedicated team is committed to providing a nurturing and empowering environment where each child can thrive, ensuring an education for the head, the heart and the hands.

We look forward to partnering with you in supporting your daughter’s journey and celebrating her successes along the way. Welcome to the CLC community!


Mrs Stephanie Evans

Kasia Pliszka

Meet Your Transition Coordinator

A Smooth Start: The Year 7 Transition Program at CLC

Starting Year 7 is a whirlwind of emotions – excitement for new beginnings, anticipation of possibilities and maybe even butterflies! We get it. Our aim is to provide a transition program which prepares our students for the changes and challenges they face as they undertake their new schooling journey.

At Catholic Ladies’ College (CLC), we want the transition from Grade 6 to Year 7 to be a warm welcome into our vibrant school community. That’s why we’ve tailored the Year 7 transition program to cater for our wonderful new CLC students.

Our unique, six week ‘Thrive’ program focuses on building confidence, academic success and facilitating the development of friendships. We’ll equip your daughter with the knowledge to confidently navigate the beautiful College grounds, learn essential study skills and time-management techniques, as well as experiencing a taste of the wide variety of opportunities that CLC has to offer.

We hope that through our extensive Thrive program, students will arrive to CLC on their first day of Year 7 feeling confident, capable and excited to begin this significant new chapter in their lives.

We value your partnership as a parent. We’ll keep you informed with regular updates and opportunities to connect with our dedicated Year 7 team.

Together, let’s make your daughter’s transition to CLC a smooth and enriching experience.

Mrs Kasia Pliszka
Transition Coordinator

Key Dates - Year 7 2025

This series of events have been designed to ensure a smooth transition for your daughter. Each event is an essential part of preparing for the exciting journey ahead, fostering a supportive community for both students and their families. We look forward to meeting you and embarking on this new adventure together!

Getting to Know You (Student Academic Testing)

Saturday, 24 August 2024
9.00am - 11.00am
College Hall

It is important to ensure that your daughter understands that this is not a pass/fail assessment. This is simply one of the tools that we can use to better understand her and ensure her transition into Year 7 is a positive one. The activities will include assessments in mathematics, reading and spelling.

Welcome to CLC - Information Session

Monday, 9 September 2024
7.00pm - 8.00pm
College Hall & McAllister Centre

Whilst your daughter is hearing about her transition to Year 7, you will hear more information from a parent perspective about Year 7 2025. Your daughter will get the opportunity to alleviate any worries she has about starting Year 7. Through a relaxed atmosphere your daughter will hear about their lockers, subjects, co-curricular opportunities and have an interactive Q&A session with some current Year 7 students to get answers to questions they may have. At the same time, you will hear more information about Year 7 2025 including important information regarding dates, uniform and book lists.

Thrive Program

Wednesday 23 October 2024
Wednesday 30 October 2024
Wednesday 6 November 2024
Wednesday 13 November 2024
Wednesday 20 November 2024
Wednesday 27 November 2024

We’ve developed our unique Thrive Program – a six-week onsite program that ensures your daughter is comfortable as she begins her first day of Year 7. She’ll have the opportunity to make new friends, meet teachers and see around our campus before she starts. This is an optional program however attendance is highly recommended, and we ask students to attend for all 6 sessions. There is no need to book and you will receive specific information the week prior.

Year 7 Orientation Day

Tuesday 10 December 2024
9.30am - 2.30pm
College Hall

Orientation Day offers your daughter the opportunity to spend a full day at Catholic Ladies' College. Even though she will have met others during Thrive, she will meet other students in her Homeroom, meet some of her teachers and learn more about what secondary school is like.


More information about our book list will be provided in November 2024.


You can purchase our uniform from Academy Uniforms. Year 7 2024 uniform fittings will be conducted later in the year. More information about the fittings will be expected in October 2024.

Alternatively, our Parents' Association run a Second-Hand Uniform sale to assist families who are wanting to purchase uniforms. Stock levels do vary and not all uniform pieces are available. The shop is run in the College Hall. Dates will be provided shortly.

Buses and Transport

There are a range of options for your daughter to come to CLC each day including public transport, private buses and drop-off/pick-up.

Bring Your Own Device Program

Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) portal is now live and ready for your order - you an do so via the link to the right. You can also find a how to guide to the right. To access the portal you will need the code CLC2025

All pricing is subject to change and will be updated on the portal when required, as well as stock lead times and ETAs. To avoid any potential delays or issues with your child's device arriving on time, we strongly recommend placing your orders as soon as possible.

Please note that using the JB Hi-Fi portal is optional; it’s simply offered for your convenience.

If you have any questions regarding the BYOD program, please do not hesitate to contact the CLC IT Department directly at

IT & Devices

We have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Information about this program will be provided in July 2024.

Our IT team will assist in setting up these devices, providing a seamless integration into our digital learning environment. More information about these appointments will be provided in November 2024.